Stay away from this place!!!!!
This is my second child so I have been to about three of these types of places. This one by far is the worst.
The waiting room is very small and can only hold about 5-6 people. The ultrasound room was bigger but It did not look professional at all. The room was half storage half ultrasound room. The room was decided with cheap room dividers with a bunch of stuff stored in back. The ultrasound part of the room had a couple of miss matched chairs. They did not have a table to lie on but rather a lazy boy reclining chair. When I reclined I was not completely flat. My pelvis was at an angle which makes it a little hard to have an ultrasound done on the stomach.
I had to make two visits here as they could not determine the gender of my baby and have a policy where you can return free of charge if they cannot tell you the sex. I was 19 weeks at the first ultrasound. The first ultrasound tech was pretty good. She was able to get pretty clear pictures of the baby. She could not determine the gender with total accuracy, but told me 85% chance of it being a girl. I was told to come back in a week as the baby was not cooperating.
The second tech was terrible. I don't think she had much experience. She was placing the ultrasound wand way to high on my stomach and getting very grainy images. She tried to blame it on my baby being small. The lady the previous week had much sharper images and the baby was even smaller then. The second tech was also very rough and pushed down way to hard on my stomach. I was very worried several hours later when my stomach was still hurting pretty bad. Bad enough that I couldn't eat dinner. Anyways, the second ultrasound tech could not determine the gender the second time either. But she said that she did not think it was a girl, but rather a boy. She couldn't see the genitals at all so not sure why she made that guess. I guess just to mess with us.
We were told to come back in another week but decided to cut our loses and ditch this place as it obviously was not very professional.