Two well-known & much appreciated atty's were denigrated by lying posters here. Anyone can post a lie; no one can contradict or defend him/herself... how fair is that? Having worked in the field for over 5 yrs I had defend a not-too-honest att'y when 2 clients outright lied to the grievance committee... b/c the clients lied! HAD other clients complained, I would've kept quiet but the 2 att'ys that were badmouthed here deserve defending b/c I KNOW how decent & caring they are. Late to BK court? Yes, was at another court minutes b/4. The other poster lied b/c the att'y in question explicitly told him to give the info to the sec'y & he'd meet to review b/4 filing the B/K petition, as is customary, as I've witnessed & as the sec'y can testify. Insofar as rudeness... that's a total LIE; never happens. The att'y probably did not do something the client wanted b/c it is ILLEGAL & the client has sour grapes, nothing more.