I've seen this clown on many different occasions..usually from afar. I've usually seen Babaloon creating magic, making little figures and animals with balloons. Whenever Babaloon seems to be around crowds roar with delight and children squeal as they are handed the coveted wiener dogs and giraffes. Even though Babaloon is a little bit cheesy and somewhat moth ridden, the appeal is still there.
Now confession time....some of you noticed that I mentioned I've only seen Babaloon "from afar" and others in the know recognize "coulrophobic" ..(or perhaps you are one of the few who ran for their dictionaries..). Whatever the case may be...my secret is out....I have a phobia about clowns. SO if I say Babaloon in all his worn out, somewhat seedy glory is funny, then he IS!
Check him out...who knows, you may be one of the lucky ones to get a cute little puppy or maybe one of those goofy hats with the loops on top. Whatever your prize may be...Babaloon is sure to bring a smile to the hardened of faces!