I've had my bike there twice now. The first time was to do a routine once over after the winter and ended up with a tune up, which I'm not sure they really did, as three weeks later, I started having the same problems. Upon taking it back, the owner told me the guy I'd been dealing with had been let go and acted very cagey about the subject. That was in July. As of now, I still don't have my bike.
When I took it in this second time, I wanted them to get the bike running again and then paint the faded red parts, replacing the old tank with a new one that I provided and they would need to put a liner in. Simple stuff. Normally, I'd do the carb work myself, but when it started having problems after being worked on there, I figured maybe leaving it to the so called pros would be best.
Weeks went by with me dropping in on a Saturday to check the progress of their work and was given a barrage of excuses. Weeks turned into months with no progress. Finally, after going in and laying down my point of view over a week ago, they started making some progress, but failed to meet the deadline I made them agree to.
The paint work is still not complete. They still need to line the tank, despite having the painter already put the base coats on the tank, after he said it would be best to do that beforehand. They were supposed to order a new gas cap when this project started and acted surprised when I reminded them yet again.
Everything about this places screams mediocrity. I can't describe the feeling of frustration of trying to stay calm while looking these people in the eye and pointing to my paperwork and saying ""Why isn't this, or this done"" Why hasn't this been ordered?"", only to have them look at me with blank stares and the promise that they'll take care of it for real this time.
I expect they will do nothing to win me over. In a way, I deserved it- I was nice, overly understanding and trusting. A good pushover. That said, I won't be going back. Ever. As much as I'd like to support small businesses, next time, I'm going to a dealership.