Bay Area Geotechnical Group ( BAGG Engineers ) is a geotechnical and environmental consulting firm. BAGG was founded in early 1988 and has since provided geotechnical and geo-environmental services to over 1, 000 clients on over 4, 000 projects within its 20 years. BAGG has its offices in Sunnyvale, California. The firm currently maintains a team of well-qualified professional engineers, certified geologists and engineering geologists, soil technicians, and special inspectors. BAGG provides professional services in the fields of: Special Inspection Services BAGG's business philosophy stresses client satisfaction as a natural consequence of effective planning, efficient management, and an orientation towards service. The average span of experience of BAGG's team of engineers, geologists and technicians is over 25 years. Depending on project requirements and anticipated soil conditions, our broad experience enables us to adjust the scope of services to best suit an investigation thus reducing potentials for conflicts and delays during construction.. Our Personnel are Highly Skilled in Providing the Following Services:
* Engineering Investigations
* Geologic and Seismologic Studies
* Environmental Assessments and Remediation Studies
* Quality Control Construction - Remediation Observation and Testing Services