You dont need an Appointment to see our Fixed fees or Hourly rate In addition to excellent divorce and family law representation, we know that you need as much certainty about the costs of attorney representation as possible. The situation where someone is left unrepresented due to high attorney fees incurred towards the beginning of a case is more common than you might think. This is especially the case where division of a family business is involved. Using a fixed (flat) fee, when possible, unbundled legal services, and discussing the costs and benefits of pursuing various Discovery and Litigation methods, we endeavor to ensure that you have the resources to properly maintain professional attorney representation throughout your divorce, family law or bankruptcy case. We offer a free consultation. Local Experience I have extensive experience litigating and settling family law matters in the Los Angeles Central District (Stanley Mosk Courthouse) and also all Los Angeles County Branch Courts; primarily focusing on Long Beach, Torrance, Compton and Norwalk. In Orange County, we also litigate family law cases in the Lamoreaux Justice Center and the downtown Santa Ana court house. I am qualified to be appointed as Minors Counsel by the California Superior Courts.