Hey.. So I waited a lot longer then most people did to get there licences, So as you can imagine when I decided to try and get it I wanted to make sure that i weighed out all the options as far as driving school went. I read reviews asked friends and family ext. I looked for a few key things price, location, class hours, positive feedback, and when the payment was due as far as when you start if it had to be payed in full or if i could split into multiple payments. I am mother and i also have a full time job so i had to make sure that not only the time was good but that it didnt drain a whole paycheck in one shot. I work all night time hours 5 days a week so i needed something that was in the morning but got out befor 3 so i could get to work on time. I really liked the fact that they take payments and you only need $100 down. I signed up for the 10am-2pm classes. I was nervous that i was going to stick out like sore thumb because i figure id be the only 21year old mother in the class, but it was anything but uncomfortable once I got through the door Gwen and Mr.H made class go by so fast and made it so much fun I was actully sad when class was over. They made it so fun and taught the lessons so well that I got 100% on every single test from start to finish and still could today because they made learning the info so simple. I would deff recomend B&R Driving school to every single person that is trying to get there licence. I hope that this review is helpful in making a decision on what school to go to in the area. I know its one deffinite decision that you will NEVER regret.
Good Luck,
Amanda K