Save your money and time. Go elsewhere for dependable transmission services. Read my story below. It is 100% factual.
Tim and crew have rebuilt my transmission 3 times since Dec 2010 and if nothing else, he is a man of his word who stands behind his warranty. Until now. Seems that every time I go to my mother's for the holidays my transmission stops shifting when I get home. Tim has come all the way from Grove city twice to take my truck back and repair it or paid a local shop to make a minor repair. I would like to think I can go from Dayton to Columbus and back without worrying about my transmission going out but maybe this time we will get to the bottom of this and I can finally have a dependable truck. As far as customer service goes, they have ALWAYS been great, courteous, prompt and going above and beyond but yet there is something about my truck and AZ Transmission Masters that just won't allow me to be a satisfied customer. Got to be some kind of rift in the space time continuum or just horrible luck. Maybe I am just not meant to go home for the holidays.
UPDATE 12/04/11
Tim (Via his nephew as he has not returned any of my phone calls) has given up on trying to give me a reliable transmission and demanded an additional $1000 to rebuild it for the 4th time. Needless to say there is no way on earth I'm giving him another penny to try once more to rebuild a transmission he has failed to make dependable on 3 previous attempts. Save yourself money, stress, aggravation and time. Look elsewhere for transmission services.