Please understand i am not in the habit of writing\r
appreciation letters, however, i believe in the case it is \r
certainly warranted. During the course building of my \r
home, i encountered the usual problems and conflicts, \r
with the exception of a new pool, deck and water \r
features all designed and installed by avalon pools. I \r
solicited and reviewed several proposals from local \r
well known companies. The personal proposal and \r
guidance from Avalon Presented by Curt, made the \r
choice easy. Curt was understanding of out desires for \r
the new pool and he immediately had a vision of the \r
way it should look and perform.\r
Curt was a pleasure to work with and he \r
made building the pool fun. I found him to be honest \r
and forthcoming. After completion, he has responded \r
to any issues or request we had. The pool is beautiful \r
and is the highlight of our new home. I highly \r
recommend Avalon Pools as a qualified and \r
knowledgeable company. \r
-DS atlanta