Normally I do my own vehicle maintenance but was in the process of moving and didn't have access to my tools or a garage. Looking around online for a good reputable shop (and going largely on the three reviews previous to mine) I chose to take my truck to these guys when it unexpectedly broke down. It took them almost a week to repair an easy ignition problem because the only mechanic with a tool they needed wasn't in for several days. The cost for the repair was ridiculous ($980) but I didn't have time to deal with it. Right away I started getting junk mail from them making it look like they cared and were following up with me. About a month later I had to have my truck towed back there again for what I knew was the same problem. It took a while again but they fixed it. About another month after that I had to have my truck towed back to them a third time for what I again knew was the same problem. After a couple days they came up with a "new problem" it had and said it was going to be another $700 to fix. I talked to Rick at the front and told him it's the same problem it had before that they hadn't fixed. How can you come up with something new and try to charge me that much when you haven't fixed the original problem yet? He wouldn't budge on anything so I walked out having to pay them another diagnostic fee of $95. They pushed my truck out of the shop at that point with stuff taken apart and loose wires and missing bolts (found out later). I also noticed after I'd left the shop that a Leatherman Micra was stolen from my vehicle (only thing I've noticed so far). The next shop I took my truck to, which will be where I go from now on and will send everyone I know to, fixed the original problem and everything Autotek did to it for a little over $300 and I haven't had a problem since.
RESPONSE FROM Autotek Auto Repair:
This review pertains to service that was done 6 months ago.
While we have encouraged the customer to talk to us and try to resolve any issues, he has not done so.
The customer opened a complaint with BBB. We have responded in good faith, but the customer did not followup with the BBB's efforts to resolve the issues, so BBB has closed the case.
We encourage the customer to finish the process he started with a neutral third party, the BBB, and we are happy to do whatever the BBB thinks is fair and appropriate.