I bought my Volvo S60 here two years ago and I still cannot believe how smoothly it went. Basically, I visited two dealers close by me and they didn't have the color and a certain feature (heated seats) I wanted in my new car. They told me you couldn't get a Volvo with heated seats in Southern California--they just didn't send any to dealers there. Well, that turned out to be true. But when I called Power Volvo and detailed the exact color and features and packages I was looking for, they located the perfect car in Northern California and offered to truck it down to their dealership for $400. They gave me a price on the car which was several hundred dollars below their dealer cost, so even with the $400 fee, I got a better price than the other dealers had stated for their cars which didn't have the features I wanted anyway. There were financing incentives and rebates available and Power gave me all of them, so I made out like a bandit. Then I noticed they typed up the contract wrong, depriving themselves of the meager $200 they were going to make on the sale--but the salesman didn't want to retype the entire long form, so he just said not to worry about it. I felt like I won the lottery. I hope everyone's experience is this good. When I am ready for my next Volvo, I will definitely go back to Power Volvo.