* AutoZIP? Mail Services Processes 1st, 2nd, or Standard (3rd) Class Mailings for Businesses and Ensures that Client Mail Goes Out on Time and at the Lowest Possible Postage Rate. Like the Post Office, ZIP Cannot Guarantee Mail Delivery Times, but at Least We Remove the Burden of Dealing with the Post Office Away From You.
For complete information on any of the services listed below please go to our web site at autozip.com.
*Mail Processing Services
We offer a wide range of mailing services to help you save money on your bulk mailings. Shown below is only a partial list.
1.Process 1st Class, periodical and Standard mail using automation compatible standards.
2.Meter postage
3.Affix stamps
4.Print and affix pressure sensitive labels
6.Tab Seal
7.Remove duplicate addresses
8.Code lists
*List Processing Service
This includes:
1.CASS Certification
3.Duplicate record removal
*Mail Box Rental Service
Low monthly rates
Starting as low as $6.00 per month
24 hour access
Not restricted to inconvenient business hours. Pick up your mail
whenever you want.
Outgoing mail Drop
Drop off your out going letters the same time you pick up your mail.
Don?t have a stamp for your letter? Come in and we?ll put the postage on for you, saving you a trip t o the post office.
*Mail Forwarding Service
We will forward your mail across country or around the world. Call our office for details on what to do to take advantage of this service.