For Over 30 Years, We've Been Listening.
The audiologists at Augusta Hearing and Balance have over 50 years of experience to assist you with all your listening needs. The audiologists on staff are Dr. E. Robin Bohannon and Dr. Rebecca B. Hopkins. ~ Many consumers are unsure where to find professional help with their hearing. Augusta Hearing and Balance provides hearing healthcare in a manner that provides you with the information that you need for a successful hearing aid experience. ~ Most adults with hearing loss can be helped with hearing aids. Choosing the right hearing aid can be difficult. There is an enormous amount of information regarding hearing aids and the choices can be daunting. ~ Of course, the first step to a successful hearing aid experience is an accurate audiological evaluation or hearing test. Equally important is a determination regarding your specific needs and lifestyle. ~ It is critical to convey this information to the hearing healthcare professional. Finally, everyone has a budget. Your b udgetary constraints should be discussed. Hearing aids are rarely covered by insurance. ~ Please call us and talk to one of our highly trained professionals to see what we can do for you... and remember, For over 30 years, we've been listening!