We are a family owned business in operation since 1977. Better Business Bureau listed with an A+ rating. ASE certified mechanic and parts manager with 25+ years experience in RV parts. Give us a try and you will find that our personal service will far surpass the big box stores and dealerships..
* We Offer Full service on Autos Trucks 4x4 RV'S & most all Trailers.
* Fully Stocked RV & Trailer Accessory Parts Store and we sell Propane.
* Authorized Warranty Station for many Manufactures.
* Insurance work and most extended repair Warranty's Honored.
* Brake Repair,Tune Ups, Timing Belts,Transmissions Clutches and transmission service,Carburetors & Fuel injection.
* Diesel Truck and Turbocharger repair, Engine,Hoses,Belts,Electrical repair,Check engine lights diagnose.
* Air conditioning systems,New Mufflers and Catalytic converters,Over Heating & Radiator Repair,Oil & all Fluid changes.
* Insurance repairs on RV'S & Trailers most all Brands & models authorized through your insurance company.
* Car Pre Purchase inspection, If you are buying a car and want a thorough inspection of the vehicle before making the purchase this may be the best money you ever spend.
Come see Auburn Rv Auto Truck & Trailer Service Center for fast,honest and reliable repair & service.