To completely satisfy our client's cleaning needs. To offer a complete quality cleaning Service that is tailored for your company. To offer excellent Service that exceeds your highest expectations. Service that is personal, Service that is affordable, and Service with hands-on supervision all of the time.
In order to provide excellent service, our philosophy is simple: hire the best people. All of our personnel are selectively screened, tested, and are extensively trained. They also are highly motivated because we pay our employees a higher wage than the local industry standard.
Upon completion of training, the new employee becomes a member of the cleaning crew. Each cleaning crew has a working supervisor, who makes sure all duties on the written work schedules are carried out properly. Each working supervisor answers directly to one of our field supervisors, who are out there every night making sure that we are providing our goal of excellent service. Each member of our executive staff including our president, work as field managers, and have a hand in every single account. Finally, to help reach our goal of providing excellent service, we provide our clients with a direct line of communication at all times with our supervisors and executive staff.