we purchased an iphone 3g OTTER box, but found we really needed one for an iphone4. so we went back to do an exchange...first , they couldn't find our warranty information in the system (even though the phone number was recorded at time of purchase for the 1 year warranty), and we didn't have a receipt with us so we went home and got the receipt, came back to the store, and tried to do a return. We got through the process only to have them say that they didn't have any cash in the register to refund our 50 bucks (at 3pm on a monday after christmas - probably the biggest return day of the year). they then suggested that the only thing we could do was to drive across town to a second store to get our money (why didn't they tell us this first before we drove home and back to the mall??). In the end, we did an exchange at the store for the iphone 4 OTTeR box (which was painful because at that point we no longer wanted to do business with them). How do they do business when they don't have 50 dollars in the store to even make change for customers who pay in cash.