My family has family plan cell phones, a home phone, cable, and internet all through AT&T. We have been customers for cellphones for more than 4 years with them, and have had their service for home phones for as long as I can remember. Today, I finally talked my mom and brother to come with me to the AT&T store so I could get off the family plan, my brother could get off the family plan, and I could get a new independent plan with an iPhone.
We didn’t even get to the iPhone part. The lady rudely informed us that we had a “large balance” and acted like we were lazy, good-for-nothings. DUH we have a large balance—it’s not cheap for 3 cell phones, cable, home phone, and internet. When we showed her the copy of the check we sent and the date she said we “just barely” paid it. What kind of attitude is this? We paid 100% of it 3 weeks BEFORE it was even due! They refused to separate my brother’s phone onto a new line as “they have not received the payment for the large balance” First, we sent a check a week ago for the current balance, which is not due until August 6. Secondly, we had several months of copies of bills with us each showed that we paid 100% of our balance each month.
The lady told us to come back next week to split the lines off the family plan. Um, excuse me? But if I come back next week you will say we haven’t paid that month’s bill.
I walked out with my disappointed family. My mom and brother will discontinue their cell, home phone, cable, and internet service with AT&T shortly, and I will purchase an iPhone at the apple store, where at least a nice person will get the commission.