I commend anyone who takes on the demanding career as a law enforecement officer. However, I am non-plused by how officers decide who is culpable and who is not when an alleged crime occurs. If you have several actors involved and no one seems to be giving the same information during an interview I would imagine that it would be confusing. I do feel however that if one party involved steps up to the plate without even so much as a call to come in would hold some weight as to his character. When this juvenile is then subject to threats of being physically assaulted and has his picture posted on myspace with a tag of ""Dirty snitch"" by other actors involved, it appears more than apparent that the so called ""Snitch"" perhaps is the one the officers should believe. As a parent of the""Snitch"" it is heart breaking and nerve wracking to see what this is doing to my son emotionally and physically. To see a young man feel that his entire future is ruined, that his wish to enter the armed forces will possible never be realized, that he has lost friends, and to have the school psychologist equally worried about him is incredible. I don't understand how and why every one needs to take the fall when in fact one person stepped right up like a man and did the right thing.