My wife and I recently found out we have a bun in the oven and first thing first we headed to the doctor. The Associates in Women's Health(AWH) was recomended by her normal doctor so we went to see them. Dr. Shoen seemed very nice, and told us that we were only about 6 weeks in so we couldn't see a heart beat, and to come back in two weeks. Well my wife at this point doesn't want to tell her boss that she is pregnant so is having to come up with excuses to miss time at work to make our visits. The second visit was scheduled for 8 something on a Thursday morning meaning I would only get about 4 hours of sleep, but it worked for her to make an excuse for work. The office called her Monday and told her the Doc was actually out of town and that they would have to reschedule, this is where things went bad. They called again and changed the appointment again for Wednesday morning at 8:10 at their Denver West location. My wife called Tuesday twice to double check the time and then the place. Wednesday morning we drove to that location to find the lights off and the doors locked. She called the office and they seemed as though they didn't even know who she was, and then told her to go to the Hospital location. when we were about to take the turn on to the hospital road they called back and said that the doctor was too busy and told her that they could make an appointment for 20 minutes after the original time. Needless to say that would make the excuses invalid and too much for her to get away with at work. We will be changing doctors, the concern I see is that they must have forgotten that in the first trimester the last thing a new mom-to-be needs is stress! If you are the planning type I would suggest looking else where for doctors.