Associated Surgical Group, located in Peoria, IL, has specialized in major surgeries such as general, vascular, thoracic, and colon-rectal surgery for over 43 years. We have university-trained, board certified surgeons with several years of experience.
- Fred E. Braastad,M.D.
-Gavish N. Patel, M.D.
-Allison R Tanck, M. D.
Our services include:
? General surgery?gallbladder, hernia, appendix, etc.
? Colo-rectal surgery?colon, abscess, fistula, fissure, etc.)
? Vascular surgery?bypass, varicose veins, etc.)
? Thoracic surgery?lung, etc.
? Laparoscopic procedures
Our dedicated and talented staff has continuously provided the Central Illinois area with quality health care. We take great care to ensure each patient and family member thoroughly understands their medical condition and the various options for treatment. We are committed to seeing each patient through the surgery with as little physical and emotional stress as possible.
Call Associated Surgical Group for an appointment today!. Breast Surgery|Cancer Surgery|Colo-Rectal Surgery|Laparoscopic Surgery|Rectal Surgery|Surgical Clinics|Thoracic Surgery