I had a simple bunionectomy performed. He cut the big tendon (how obvious is that!) and now my big toe is permanently hooked. He took out the stitches too soon, even tho it was obvious it was not ready to be done. The unzipped wound then got infected and I ended up at the Wound Clinic in Fort Collins. They drew attention to the fact that I have Reynaud's syndrome by my cold feet and previous history. He should have recognized that also, and known that the healing would take longer than normal. I now have continuous pain with walking on that foot. The wound healing took a long time and in the process of that other nerves were damaged, so now I have neuropathy in that foot.
1. He cut the tendon.
2. He never informed me that he cut the tendon. I found out from the Wound Clinic.
3. He should have noticed the Reynaud's syndrome and treated accordingly.
4. He removed the stitches in spite of it obviously not being ready to be done, resulting in a large open wound which became infected.
1. Permanently hooked big toe.
2. Neuropathy
3. Nasty scarring from wound treatment.
4. Unable to wear nice looking shoes. Have to wear clunky, big box shoes and lots of silicone inserts to alleviate the pain.
5. Unable to walk any great distance anymore because of the pain. Hiking is no longer possible.