How is it we can put thousands of dollars into property and surrender our rights as American Citizen?s
1). Hire ASSOCIA (Vanguard Management) as your property management Company.
2) Make sure you have a board that never leaves a position on the board and deems this as part of their ego and who they ARE.
3) Vote the board members off elect a board member that resigns and hands the position back to the prior board member
3) Make sure that if you disagree with the property manager they will refuse to follow through with restoration of your individual property. (i.e.) if you are experiencing bug infestation it must be the owner?s fault, there go they refuse to treat the concern. Plants die in front of your unit (which is part of the building/community as a whole) the management company /board never replaces the dead vegetation.
4) Do something anything they can find fault with and the board will deem it a violation.
a) they do not follow their own guidelines by filling out violation forms, they merely tell you in e-mails that it is a violation.
b) The board changes the rules and regulations. We voted for them!
1) In the updated Rules and Regulations you no longer have the right to request a hearing in front of your peers.
2) The board is the only one to have decision on anything (including the property manger, who by the way, can?t be held responsible for their actions)
3) The declaration, bylaws, and Illinois Condominium property act may support your activity, but:
a) These legal documents do not pertain to the Board you have elected, when they choose not to follow them. Property manager does not advise to legal documents.
b) The property manager is an adviser and is not liable for the failure to follow the law. The property manager benefits from this procedure because it ensconces the property manager into the association and our lives
c) The property manager supports anything the board does and can even encourage illegal behavior. It is in her/his self interest because it keeps her /him employed. She/he holds no responsibility for her/his actions or decisions without being responsible she/he can steal the wealth and stability from the community
The police or government can't/won?t step in because you sold your rights to move in to a condominium /Association property.
5) Don?t be active in your Association; the reprisals are too costly to one?s personal freedom and sense of security in one?s home.