First off, change the name from Asset Property management to A#@hole Property management. Go ahead, rent from them, if you would like your security deposit to get robbed, thats right! Straight up robbed. When I moved out, they charged me for everything possible, carpet replacement, kitchen floor replacement, paint job, you name it. And was the apartment trashed? No! Not whatsoever. Minimal, lived in damage, possibly $200 at most for cleaning and repairs. If Motley Crue was living there and Tommy Lee and Vince Neil were tag teaming old groupies in the living room every night while Nikki Sixx was setting the carpet aflame, then sure, yeah, go ahead and take $1400 out of a $1800 deposit. That was not the case. Me and my roomate got used by this company, and their manager (Sandy is her name) They can FACK OFF!!! That's British for F#$% OFF!!!! Legal action is in order right now. Be warned whoever might be reading this. Never rent from this company!!!!! They are rude pieces of crap.