Periodontics & Oral Medicine, Pa - Robert N Eskow DMD
Welcome to Asset Conversion Specialists!Asset Conversion Specialists is a minority supplier in Tempe, Arizona. ACS has been in operation since 1993. Our main focuses are buying and selling new and used equipment and materials, providing inventory and liquidations services to a broad base of industries -both national and international - including the management of plant closures. We specialize in the following • Electronic equipment• Spare parts• Machine shop test equipment• Tools• Manufacturing equipment• Office equipment and furniture. Test equipment. Electrical /Cables. RF Adapter/connectorsYou can also come to us for computers, scrap recycling recovery and more. Our inventory and needs are always changing, so contact us for more information. Let us put our more than 21 years of experience to work for you. We are your resource to purchase and liquidate entire inventory of equipment and supplies.Visit us on the web today for more information about our products and services! Call us with your questions!