While Aspyre looks great, here is a real perspective of this place:
Dear Editor,
I am a second year law student at the USC and I currently live at Aspyre apartments on Assembly St.. In less than 6 hours, I will be getting up to take my final exam of the semester. I would be asleep right now, but the fire alarm at my apartment complex has just gone off. While a false alarm here or there would not be a big deal that is not the case. Over the past 3 days, the alarms have sounded 4-5 times and at least once in the middle of the every night. I have lived here for a year and this is not just a fluke this has happened numerous times over the course of my stay here. Furthermore, the general level of activity here is deplorable. Only a few weeks ago I was awoken at 2:30 by a car driving out of the parking garage that hit a parked car and sent them both sailing in the drainage area behind the building. The driver's foot "got stuck on the pedal" and no breathalyzer was done because this is private property. However, my letter is not to complain.
The purpose of this letter is to raise awareness to everyone in the Columbia community who might suggest a place to live to an incoming college student that Aspyre is not the place you want to rest your reputation on. While the amenities are nice when they are open, the quality of life here is not worth the hassle of the weekly if not daily dramatics that occur here. I want to make that I am not blaming all of this on the people who run this establishment, but it seems that things have gotten out of hand and no one can get control. So I lay here trying to fall asleep after standing in the cold for the third night in row. No one told me there was no fire nor that it was safe to go back inside. I fear not only for the people who might live here in the future, but for the ones who live here now because people are going to stop listening to these alarms and someone is going to get seriously hurt.