My first appt went okay, but my 2nd visit was the real disappointment.I went in for the basic cleaning/exam, The cleaning went great, but Dr. DAngelis didn't impress me during my check up. I wouldn't say I have a fear of the dentist, but I can't say I enjoy it. I really like & prefer my dentist to be a little more personable, unfortunately she was far from that. I would think for meeting the first time she would be a little more interested in knowing who I am on a more personal level, it just makes you feel good & appreciated as a patient. I know what I'm there for, I guess I'm not used to this kind of carelessness. My previous dentist was so great about getting to know me I'm pretty disappointed she isn't this way. My 2nd appt was what really made me unhappy, I was getting a few fillings. Once again she barely said a word, she actually gave me a wave with her hand, said hello & got to drilling...didn't even ask if I had any questions about what we were doing that day or go over the procedure & what to expect. This was only my 3rd filling in my life!! Needless to say I did not have a good experience. I think good treatment includes good care & kind & gentle personalities where you can feel comfortable with the person who is drilling your teeth.