I went here because it was the only dentist in town covered by my insurance. I had seen the same dentist since I was a child before this, and had never had a bad dental experience- usually just a quick in and out. I made the appointment at Aspen Dental, assuming I would be getting a cleaning and check-up. I waited for about an hour past my appointment time in the waiting room, then was taken in for an absurd number of X-rays. Then I was taken to an exam room, were I waited for another 40 minutes. When the dentist finally came in, she spent about 30 seconds glancing at my teeth, told me I had two cavities, and sent me out to schedule further appointments. I was in a bit of shock, having never had a cavity in my 30 years, and having never had the dentist examine my teeth without even having them cleaned. I waited a while longer to go in to the scheduling office, and when asked how my appointment had gone, I said I was a little surprised-- I'd expected to have a cleaning. "Oh, no