I am a patient of another physcian at this practice. my doc has been treating me for a condition for several weeks and had me on meds. however the meds were only moderatly effective. i called back and related this info to the office staff. my doc was away on vacation and I was told that dr ashley was the covering physician. they said they would leave a message and dr ashley would get back to me. I had to call 6 times while at work and never got a call back. he then insisted that i had to be seen again even though i was just seen 2 weeks prior and do not get any time off from my job. i agreed to make an apt at an opening 1 week later. i asked if they could refil my current rx for this issue to cover me until they could get me in. they refused. i insisted on speaking to the doc, when he got on the phone he had a major attitude and said ""dont do this to me"" he said "" you are just bothering me b/c u didn;t like my ans"" he said it would be bad med to refil a rx with out seeing me but couldnt see me for a week. he thought it was better my condition go untreated for a week and get progressivly worse and painful. he spoke down to be even when i told him not to speak to me that way. he had a harsh tone in his voice and was incredibly con decending. to quote him he even said ""got it? do u got it?!"" it was to the point where he would do nothing to help, and continued to be so rude I had to end the conversation. he even suggusted i choose between losing my job or seeing him when it was convienat for him! I would never alllow him to be my doc or ever be willing to deal with him in any compacity ever again. he has serious issues; be warned and stay far far away!!
Cons: rude, condecending, unwilling to help his patients!