Ash Street Upholstery located in Springfield, IL offers custom upholstery services for Central Illinois. Family owned & operated by The O'Donnell's, they offer a tremendous selection of fabrics & styles to match a wide array of tastes. They can rejuvenate your old or torn furniture and turn it into something that you'll once again be proud to put on display in your home or business.
Churches, Restaurants, Offices, and Fitness Centers are welcome too! Ash Street will meet all of your upholstery needs.
Ash Street Upholstery offers:
* Custom Upholstering
* Antique Upholstering
* Leather Upholstering
Custom Built Furniture
* Headboards
* Cornice
* Window Seat Cushions
* Pillows & More!
Visit the showroom on Ash Street 2 Blocks East of 6th Street to look at our wide array of fabrics and to see our quality work first hand! Ash Streeet takes pride in helping you make decisions, too.
Call us or stop by today for a Free Estimate!. Antiques