DO NOT BANK AT UNION BANK! I banked there for over 10 years and they refused my tuition reimbursement check from work saying it was “fraudulent”? They froze my debit card so it could not be used for over a week. The manager at the time wouldn't even help me get the situation resolved. I had to get things settled at work because they called the payroll area instead of the tuition reimbursement area. My work was looking into it and going to get lawyers. I had to call district and regional staff at work to get everything cleared up. The manager at the time wouldn’t let me stay in her office while I called higher ups at work. She told me to place the call in the lobby and don’t come back until you have a question that pertains to the bank. The bank didn’t bother even trying to cash the check or run it through. They just assumed it was "fraudulent" and called the incorrect area at my place of employment. How ignorant. I switched to Bank of America shortly after this and there has been no issue with my tuition reimbursement checks.