I never realized how important a smile is for a person. In fact, until I met Dr. Arthur Glosman, I did not know how great my smile could look. My new porcelain veneers have enhanced my life in several ways. First, I smile more. This has helped me become a more social and friendly person. Second, I am more comfortable with my overall appearance. Third, I am more confident. This has helped me become more successful in business life. When I go to various business functions I now approach important people with much more confidence. I talk more, I flash my smile more, and I feel great about myself. I see my smile as an investment in the future, and not surprisingly my business has grown in the months following my dental procedure. That being said, I am extremely grateful for the exceptional work Dr. Glosman did to my smile. Thank you Dr. Glosman for enriching and enhancing my life and business in so many ways.