Arrive Alive Driving School has served the local community for more than twenty years. We have four convenient locations: Bowie, Largo, Silver Spring and Dunkirk.
We teach the Drivers Education training course in public and private schools with great results. Our instructors are experienced and skillful. All instructors are certified and licensed through the Department of Motor Vehicles.
Don't wait for the bus, Don't wait for the train..........Learn to drive in sunshine and rain!
Time to Drive! Call Arrive Alive!
1. Largo - 106 Old Largo Rd, Largo MD 20774 (301) 350-9575
2. Bowie - 6915 Laurel-Bowie Rd, Bowie MD 20715 (301) 262-2680
3. Dunkirk - 10363 Southern Maryland Blvd, Dunkirk MD 20736 (410) 286-0625
(Next to 7-11)
4. Silver Spring - 12055A Tech Rd, Silver Spring MD 20904 (301) 625-2422
(Around the corner from MVA). Certified Driver Training Facility
* Drivers Ed Program
* Driver Improvement Program & Point System Conference
* Individual Driving Packages Available
* Specialized Services: some handicap equipment available for in-car training
Driver Education is a 36-Hour Course. 30 Hours in class and 6 Hours behind the wheel. Morning,Evening and Weekend Classes are available. The 6 Hours Behind the Wheel Driver Training is provided in three (2) hour sessions.
Additional driving hours are available at additional cost.
Driver Improvement: offered one day for six (6) hours.
Point System Conference: offered one day for two (2) hours.
Successful completion of a driver education course is a requirement for obtaining a drivers license in the state of Maryland.
* You must be at least 15 years old at the time of enrollment.
A learner's permit is required to do the behind the wheel training.
* January 12th & 26th
* February 9th & 23rd
* March 9th & 23rd
* April 6th & 20th
* May 4th & 18th
* June 1st & 15th & 29th
* July 13th & 27th
* August 10th & 24th
* September 7th & 21st
* October 5th & 19th
* November 2nd & 16th & 30th
* December 14th & 28th
May - Aug: Day & Evening Classes
Weekend Classes Available
Tuition is due in full at the time of registration. You can enroll by phone or in person or on-line. Class size is limited,so we encourage early registration.