Attention to detail is our number one priority. Every job that we do is done to surpass the customer's satisfaction. When you are looking for quality and precise service, call Around the House, LLC.
Additional services include: Air Conditioning, Appliances, Architects & Engineers, Cabinets, Carpenters, Cleaning & Maid Services, Decks, Disability Services, Docks, Doors, Drywall & Plaster, Electrical, Fans, Fences, Flooring & Carpet, Furniture Repair & Refinish, Glass & Mirrors, Handyman Services, Heating & Furnace Systems, Landscaping, Organizers, Outdoor Playgrounds, Painting, Plumbing, Roofing, Sheds & Enclosures, Siding, Skylights, Solar, Tile, Wall Coverings, Window Coverings, Windows