Armstrong's Exterminating serves home owners and home buyers with the latest techniques in the pest control industry. Whether your concern is termites, honeybees, roaches, wasps, pantry pests, ants, carpenter bees or rodents, Armstrong's offers quality, reliable work at a competitive price We serve the New Orleans metropolitan area but will extend our service range to 100 miles or more for certain work such as termite and honeybee work. Jeff and his staff bring to their work a fascination with the science of pest control as well as a love of helping people secure their property from pests and the damage they cause. Customized personal service is their goal.. General Pest Control - Soil Termite Treatments to Protect Your Home - Termite Baiting Systems - Treatment of Formosan Termite Infested Trees - Bee Removal & Wasp Eradications - Wood Destroying Insect Report Inspections