Arizona Knights A/C and Heat is a family owned company that strives to preserve your equipment for as long as possible. System replacement is not always necessary. Helping you maintain,repair,and understand your system is Arizona Knights focus. Let us answer some of these questions for you (How do EPA regulations affect me? How long can I expect my system to last? What can I do to preserve my system as long as possible?). This is to help you make an informed decision for repairs because replacement is not our first response we are the Preservation Specialists.
If you have allergies,asthma,trouble sleeping,mold,compromised immune system,a general concern VOAs or would like to reduce infectious agents like Staph,MRSA,E-coli,Anthrax,Strep,Pseudomonas Aureuginosa,Listeria monocytogenes,Candida albicans,Black Mold or Avian Flu H5N8. we can reduce these agents by 90% in the air and 99.9% on surfaces in your home as tested by Kansas State University,University of Cincinnati and Sandia National Laboratory with 1500+ pages of findings available.