Recently I had a massage at Aristocracy and it was awful. Easily the worst massage I've ever had and I've had many. First of all, the lady probably in her 50s, though perhaps 40s, had dried hands. The first part where you're lying on your back and she goes underneath and massages your back feels nice. But that's where nice ended. She spent way too much time concentrating on my legs and feet and I don't know how this is possible but it didn't feel nice. They were just all very dull and lifeless rubbing movements. I hate to even call it a massage. But anyway, far into the massage when she could tell I was uncomfortable and getting restless she asked what was wrong and I told her I wanted my upper back massaged. Which by the way I had told her I wanted her to concentrate on before the massage even started. Honestly though, I shouldn't have bothered. What a boring massage. She would rub up to knots and then just kind of breeze over them. Also she was doing this strange thing rocking my body which was also rocking the bed i was on. I don't know if people like that sort of thing, but I'm an adult with real tension in my upper back and I don't need to be rocked, I need to be kneaded until I felt better. When she was done, I got right up. I wasn't in any relaxed state of mind. I wasn't relaxed whatsoever. Just frustrated now with new tension in my back!
In Short, Please don't waste your time or money on a massage at this place as I can't imagine it will leave you anything but disappoinment.