Don't be fooled by all the hype. My wife and I bought into their veneer of style and sophistication. The sleek showroom. The wine and Perrier served during design consultations. How civilized we thought. How first class. Were we in for a surprise! \r
Delivery and installation was promised 4 months after we placed our order on March 27, 2007. After a continuous string of design mistakes, product defects, dishonesty, deception and bad faith inferior solutions to fix the problems, 3 separate deliveries and 3 different installation attempts our kitchen was still not finished by August 2008. Check out those dates carefully. That's a full 16 months. A picture speaks louder than words. I have posted a photo of our kitchen taken August 10, 2008. Google: ""arclinea kitchens buyer beware"". ---\r
And Arclinea didn't even complete the kitchen. In the end it was completed by a local supplier - contractor.\r
If you are thinking of renovating your kitchen there are many places where you can go other than Arclinea to get a beautiful kitchen, at a better price, and not be treated unfairly. Don't let the Boston Magazine Best of Boston Award and their other advertising lures fool you. Saying it was as painful as a root canal wouldn't be fair to root canals. We wouldn't wish this experience on our worst enemy.
Pros: None whatsoever.
Cons: Poor service & customer relations; design and manufacturing mistakes; expensive.