Organized on an 'as needed or required' confederation of expertise, based in in-depth comparitive non main stream belief systems, forensic psychology and bonafide law enforcement investigation certification... this group functions as a 'think tank', bell weather, inter community liason, mentoring, deep cover investigations and Expert Witness capacity to state and federal law enforcement entities, Prosecutors, Defense Counsels and/or individuals seeking a better understanding of human potential when trained, immersed or indoctrinated and motivated by belief systems considered as 'exotic' or 'cultist' in comparison to ordinary community standards.
Its members hold certifications in Law Enforcement, Ministry and have taught on behalf of prominent Eastern colleges and some... are decorated Veterans holding 'Top Secret' National Security clearances and formerly sworn Peace Officers with affiliations to the American Society of Law Enforcement Trainers, American College of Forensic Examiners, Officers of Avalon, Pagan Military Network and regionally to CUUPS, WRCF and the Universalist Unitarian community.
Pros: Their expertise is NOT abstract, it spans nearly a half century of firsthand operations.
Cons: Their research is both very immersive and the results antecdotal ...challenging to the mundane beliefs and prejudice of the jurists or panels presented to.