Chicago's premier aquariums saltwater, freshwater fish, Coral & reef store
What sets Aquatica aside from the rest is a staff with unsurpassed knowledge and a passion for the hobby. We house one of the largest Shark Displays in Illinois with a Full selection of:* Aquariums*Saltwater fish*Freshwater fish*Corals*Invertebrates*Premium cured live rockIf you are just starting out or an ongoing enthusiast of the hobby from the Nano Aquarium to the Far Larger Shark system or Corporate custom designed system you can be sure that Aquatica can supply the specific fish you are looking for. Our fish are treated for parasitic issues from the time of their arrival to their final departure to the hobbyist's aquarium, insuring only the healthiest specimens.Our staff will guide you from start to finish to insure the longevity of your aquarium and keep you current on all of our monthly specials. You are welcome to come and see for yourself our vast selection of Top Quality Sea Life we offer in our showroom. Its pure color in motion! Acrylic Aquariums|African Cichlid|Anemones|Aqua Cultured Aquariums|Aquariums|Araga Live|Artificial Coral|Aruba|Atlantic Tangs|Bamboo Sharks|Barbados|Beta|Black Tang|Black Tip sharks|Blue Spot Stingray|Bonnet head Sharks|Bulk Heads|Bulkheads|Calcium Reactors|Caribsea Products|Casco Aquariums|Cat Fish|Champion Lighting|Chillers|Clown Fish|Coral Live Rock|Cross Hatch Trigger|Dominica|Dori Fish|Dragon Eel|DT Phyto Plankton|E.T.S.S. Skimmers|Estimates|Exotic Fish|Feeders|Filters|Financing Available|Frontosa|Goldfish|Hamilton Lighting|Hammerhead Sharks|HQI Nano Aquariums|Hydor Pumps|Innovative Plastic|JBJ|Koi|Koralia Pumps|Lineatus Wrasse|Lion Fish|Live Food|Live Rock - Fiji|Living Color|Marineland|Metal Halides|Nemo Fish|Onsite Services|Percula Clowns|Pipe Fish|Plecos|Pods|Power Compacts|Protein Skimmers|Rare Fish|Reef Central|Reef Nutrition|Same Day Services|Scott's wrasse|Sea Horses|Shark Eggs|Sharks|Skimmers|Snails|Solaris Lighting|SPS|ST. Kitts|Stingrays|T5 Bulbs|Taam Pumps|Trans World Aquatic|Trigger Fish|U.V. Sterilizer|UV Sterlizer|Volume Prices|Water Lilies|Wholesale Items|Wolf Fish|Wrasses