I'm never shopping here again. The people who work there just never feel like asking if you want help. I've shopped here plenty of times and spent a large amount of money. The staff can be clueless. When I first starting keeping Puffers I was foolish enough to listen to a girl who works there. She sold me a Green Spotted Puffer (needs thirty gallons and high brackish conditions grows to 6 inches), a Figure Eight Puffer (needs fifteen gallons and low brackish water), and a botia (needs acidic freshwater) all for a 20 gallon freshwater tank. I asked her if they'd get along and she said it would be fine. She also sold a Fahaka to someone with a twenty five gallon aquarium (they need at least 100 gallons and grow to 18 inches). I went there today to buy another one and all the Figure Eights had torn tails, fungal infections, and Ich! Some of the other species had internal parasites. They had several South American Puffers in with a modestus which was attacking them all! I have also noticed they don't properly acclimate their saltwater selections. I have gone there the day they get their shipments and a lot of the fish are in bad condition, the next day they were gone. I was also mischarged for a misidentified species. They lack information for the fish they are selling especially Puffers, they are very sensitive to Ammonia and Nitrate and are susceptible to internal parasites since many are wild caught. I'm never going here again.