The Apsey family has been serving the Deckerville area for the past 29 years. We have always treated each and every family with diginity and respect. However, on occation a family will call on us who have had little or no experince with funerals and their expectations do not fit their financial means. In these cases we try to work with the family by helping them seek out other means of monotary support from agencies, such as the Veterans Admininstration, if they are a veteran, social security, and the state welfare system. Unfortunately not everyone is entitled to this form of help and the help that is available is limited. In these cases the family is allowed to suppliment up to a certain amount, which inturn limits the type of funeral they can afford. Some familys feel they are entitled to more. We, as a licensed funeral home in the state of Michigan are required to work within the laws set by the state governing funerals and can have our licenses revoked it we do not follow these guild lines. It is unfortunate that some families view this as our fault, when actually it is the state that dictates to us what can or cannot happen.