I have a fear of Dentists, I've been thru many and I have no insurance. I am 52 years old and have a fear of needles. I do allot of traveling and I've been to dentists all over the US and only in emergencys. I have never met a Dentist like Dr. Celco, he was the most carig Dentist I've ever met. He is gentle, listens to what I have to say no matter how long it takes, listens to my fears and concerns and takes the time to explain what my options are and the procedures. For the first time in my life, i DID NOT feel 1 needle that was used on me which is unbelievable. His prices were very reasonable, The differences between him and his neighboring dentists were $200 to $300.00 difference. As God is my whitness, I am willing to travel to Long Beach for my next dental care. God Bless You Dr. C, for all you do.
Sincerely, Wafá'