If you need a residential appraisal, please DO NOT use this company. I used this company for my town house appraisal and was very dissatisfied with their work. First of all with residential appraisals they need to use recent sales within the last 6 months and the closest comparisons with size of the house, number of bedrooms and bathrooms, square footage and the size of the lot etc. The appraiser from this company did not compare my town home with the closest possible recent sales for comparisons 1 to 3. Instead of using the 2 houses that sold 3 and 5 doors down from me 2 months before the appraisal, he used town homes outside of my complex. There was no reason to do this because the 2 town homes that sold in the same street as mine are EXACTLY the same in number of bedrooms, bathrooms and square footage and design. It makes me really wonder where these appraisers went to school. I took my data to another appraisal company and they were baffled with this companies work, and could not believe how bad they were. A bad appraiser costs you equity in your home, so please don't use this company if you value your money like I do.