The critter problem in this complex is out of control. I have spent 6 months living in an apartment with a horrible critter problem. I noted the problem on the form I filled out when I moved in November 2007 and the problem is still there. I made regular complaints and have had them spray my apartment every monday for the past 4 months. It is so bad that I have began to move my things out early and refuse to stay or sleep in my own home. All my furniture has now been taken over by the creatures and I am having to try and look for a solution to that, so that I don't have to throw everything I own away. It took the complex 4-5 months before they started requiring all the apartments in my building to be sprayed, which I find to be complete horrible management. The problem was so bad that critters were in my dishwasher, fridge, pantry, and every cabinet. I would turn on a light switch and see atleast 20-30 small ones go running. No person should have to live like this and I would not be suprised if the complex looses more renters. This is truly a HORRIBLE problem.
Pros: Nothing that out weighs the problems
Cons: Slow service to creature problem, still have unfixed appliances