I love to eat at Applebees, because they have some wonderful food. They do not really have the best selection of food, but, what they do have is really very good. I love the fact that they now have a menu of items for those on the Atkins diet or similar, it shows that they are catering to everyone. I do however not care for their service. 9 out of 10 times, the service is slow and several of the servers are just down right rude. I have had my fair share of great servers, and they always happen to be the male servers, not sure why, but that seems to be how it is there, They always card for their alcohol, that I love. It is great to see that places are not readily serving alcohol to minors. They do make sure to try and cater to children as well by providing them crayons and paper, yet, they seem to offer the same to small children that are too young for these types of things. Anyhow, overall, I would say they are a 6 out of 10.