They help you initially. Then they help themselves by taking back the property they either sold you or saved from foreclosure for you.\r
They are charming, manipulative con artists. Apple Asse(t)s. Don't forget their name. OR these names:\r
Darrin Volk, Member, Partner email \r
Larry Hedenkamp, Member, Partner \r
George Weaver, Member\r
Other company names:\r
Premier Holdings LC dba Premier Mortgage KC\r
Apple Asset LC\r
Don't fall for any games. They forge Quit Claim Deeds, and they have no problem promising one thing, and turning right around and doing another.\r
Check Johnson County Court records. They have hurt and misled many, many homeowners.\r
""An_Apple_ Ass_Victim""\r
Kelly L. Hansen\r
Homeless after 18 years in the same house in Overland Park, KS\r
Pros: So helpful.
Cons: Extremely Insincere.