Paiges regularly has antique auctions and estate sales, but the store is open the rest of the time for down-and-dirty antique hunting.
They have a large selection of antique furniture as well as regular run-of-the-mill antiques, although nothing in the store is 'normal" or "expected". Most of the antiques here aren't of the "sit on the mantle and collect dust heirloom" variety. Rather, it's personal items that peppered the lives of their previous owners. TOys and trinkets and ash-trays.
I was able to find a very interesting slide projector and about 10,000 slides of the lives of the family that took the pictures, spanning a time frame of about a decade. I did not know these people and had no way of knowing who they were or where they lived, but I thought it was an interesting thing to add to my collection, and to allow these people to continue to live through the slides and photos they had taken so many decades before.
That's the type of thing you find at Linda Paiges---personal items that make the difference beween "being alive" and "really living"