They do good work but...
Same thing happened to me as the other reviewer. Had a rat problem and their price was ok. They got the rat out but note, they charge to seal the opening. Ok, that might be norm for the industry. Here's the may not need your entire attic cleaned out. They quoted me $6,000! for just the masterbedroom attic...really? Even if they replaced all the insulation it shouldn't be that much. So I called another rat exterminator that had a high rating on Yelp. They came out, invited me up to the attic, and showed me I DID NOT need a cleaning. I asked about Anthony Pest's dire warning about how the rats will find a way back in if we don't clean out the attic, no matter how we seal the openings. LIAR. This is called the big UPSELL. Whew...saved $6,000.