At first when I walked into their office I was still trying to make up my mind on whether or not I wanted to go to enterprise or stay there. I took the chance and rented a car since they told me that they only work with the shop across the street ( beverly hills auto body ). I was amazed by the fact that they only carry brand new cars and have over 150 cars at such small place. The car I rented was a bmw 325i, perfectly clean and in perfect condition. They set up direct billing with my insurance company and the best thing was that after the 30 days were over, the shop across picked up the balance on my bill since I was state farm insured. They provide good customer service and amazing rates on the cars they provide. A bmw normally goes for $100 and over at enterprise, I rented the same car for $50 a day !!
Pros: clean cars, amazing rates, close to the shop !
Cons: none !