If you want play Goldilocks in a house that is for sale, Anne can make it happen.\r
As the agent representing the contracted buyers of our home, Anne gained access to the home for her clients under false pretenses so they could conduct an air quality test without our consent or knowledge just prior to closing. Anne gained access to the home by repeatedly requesting permission for her clients to revisit the home with a contractor before closing to discuss remodeling ideas.\r
When we discovered that her clients conducted an unauthorized air test in her presence, Anne’s defense was to plead willful ignorance, i.e. she had no idea what was going on in front of her nor did she bother to ask. Hence, she claimed she was blameless. Anne’s actions lead to the contract falling apart and loss of the sale. Meanwhille, we’re left wondering whatever happened to this core principal of realtor ethics: A realtor shall refrain from misrepresentation related to transactions.\r